The duo of Damien Farden and Tau Greig, known as ‘ELUA KANE (literally, two men), "though well-versed in traditional Hawaiian as well as contemporary performance, does an impressive job of preserving hapa-haole music, where the mode is English, but the mood is Hawaiian. (In those songs, they) reflect the romance of a bygone era that few groups today can adequately capture. The Hawaiian selections, old and new, are well presented and upbeat." Manu Boyd, Ka Wai Ola o OHA

The album's title song, composed by Damien Farden, of the noted musical Lahaina family, captured the Na Hoku Hanohano Award for Song of the Year

Lyrics and translations are included.

Album Titles:

(press play to hear samples)

  1. 'Ukulele Boy
  2. Na Ali'i
  3. Floating Leis
  4. Lei Kupukupu
  5. He U'i 'O Pualani
  6. You're at a Lu'au Now
  7. How How Na Wa'a
  8. Papa Sia
  9. Naupaka
  10. Ballad of a Cowboy
  11. Let's Go Around the Island
  12. He Aloha Hawai'i

Item CodeUkulele Boy
Price$12.95 EA
Unit of Measure

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